Posted on 2 December 2021Tetra Law is happy to be distinguished in the yearly ranking “Leaders League” that classifies the most recognized and skilled Belgian lawyers in different fields of law. For a third consecutive year, Tetra Law scored “Leading” in Wealth Management and “Highly Recommended” in Corporate Tax, M&A and Restructuring & Insolvency ! Congratulations to our lawyers, this is the fruit of their hard work!

Posted on 22 April 2021Tetra Law is happy to be distinguished in the yearly ranking “Leaders League” that classifies the most recognized and skilled Belgian lawyers in different fields of law. For a second consecutive year, Tetra Law scored “Highly recommended” in labor law and “Excellent” in white-collar crime! Congratulations to our lawyers, this is the fruit of their hard work!
In 2021, our firm is also ranked in four other practice areas:
- Wealth management - private investors and users (Leading)
- Mergers & acquisitions (Highly recommended)
- Restructuring & insolvency (Highly recommended)
- Tax Law - Corporate tax (Highly recommended)

Posted on 8 January 2021Tetra Law is happy to be distinguished in the yearly ranking “Leaders League” that classifies the most recognized and skilled Belgian lawyers in “Mergers and acquisitions” (among others). Tetra Law scored “Highly recommended” for a second consecutive year!
In 2020, our firm was ranked in five other practice areas:
- Tax law – Corporate Tax (highly recommended)
- Restructuring & insolvency (highly recommended)
- Labor & Employment – Labor litigation (highly recommended)
- Business law – White collar crime (excellent)
- Tax law – Asset management (excellent)

Tetra Law is pleased and proud to welcome Didier Willermain as partner
Posted on 3 February 2020Didier is a renowned specialist in corporate - and financial law, matters which he has been practicing for more than 25 years and which he teaches at the Brussels’ University (ULB). He advises clients on numerous issues related to corporate law (company incorporations, shareholders’ agreements, financing, governance, conflicts of interests, responsibility, remuneration, transfers of businesses, rules applicable to listed companies, etc.) and to financial rules in relation to corporate law (public offerings, take-over bids, market abuse, etc..). He assists clients in structuring, negotiating and carrying out M&A, joint ventures, financing and reorganization transactions, on both domestic and international levels. He also intervenes as counsel in commercial and shareholders’ litigations. Beyond his specialization in corporate and financial law, Didier practices business law in general, which enables him to also deal with other matters in this area, such as insolvency and distribution agreements.
Thanks to Didier Willermain’s in-depth expertise as well as his intellectual and human qualities, this partnership is a coherent step in Tetra Law’s development and, more specifically, in the development of its Corporate department. This appointment builds on Tetra Law’s DNA Passion, Synergy, Enterprise : Tetra Law’s lawyers have at heart to be reassuring and are always eager to offer thorough, innovative and pragmatic advice to their clients.
Sabrina Scarnà, Managing Partner : “The arrival of Didier Willermain reinforces the commitment and the enthusiasm of our teams which made Tetra Law become an significant player, both in terms of professional and human dimension. Didier won us over by his humility, his strength and his dynamism. We look forward to working with him !
Didier Willermain : “I am very happy and enthusiastic to pursue my professional career within Tetra Law. I am fortunate to join exceptional partners and associates, on both the professional and human levels. My experience in corporate and financial law perfectly matches Tetra Law’s fields of expertise which it adequately completes. Moreover, we will develop synergies with the fiscal law and the labour law teams. This way, we hope to better assist our clients by advising them efficiently and with enthusiasm in the different areas at the heart of business life.”

Tetra Law is moving!
Posted on 2 May 2018In order to meet its continuing growth, Tetra Law has decided to invest new office spaces. We are consequently pleased to announce our move to 240 Avenue Louise and look forward to welcoming you at our new location as of Monday, May 7, 2018.

Posted on 16 April 2018« L’homme honorable commence par appliquer ce qu’il veut enseigner ; ensuite il enseigne » [Confucius]
- « Protéger les rapports individuels dans le cadre des relations d’affaires en assortissant de sanctions pénales, notamment, les règles encadrant la naissance, la vie et la mort des sociétés commerciales ou les transactions financières et commerciales.
- Renforcer le caractère contraignant des normes qui règlement l’activité économique. » (1)
En plus de mettre en œuvre des mécanismes spécifiques (définition des incriminations, de la responsabilité pénale, de la sanction ou de la prévision des infractions), la pratique du droit pénal des affaires permet également la rencontre de professionnels provenant d’univers différents.
Malgré les enjeux décrits ci-dessus, aucun cursus approfondi relatif au droit pénal des affaires n’existait jusqu’à alors en Belgique francophone.
Dans ce cadre, Tetra Law est heureux d’être associé au lancement d’une formation universitaire continue, organisée par l’UCL, l’ULB et l’ULiège, en droit pénal des affaires. Maître Scarnà aura en effet le plaisir et l’honneur d’y enseigner le droit pénal fiscal, matière et sujet qu’elle affectionne particulièrement et pour laquelle elle allie à ses connaissances techniques approfondies, une pratique qui se veut résolument pragmatique et rigoureuse.
Pour plus d’informations concernant le Certificat interuniversitaire en droit pénal des affaires cliquez sur le lien ci-après et consultez le programme du cursus ci-joint : www.droit-penal-affaires.be.
(1) « S’initier ou se perfectionner en droit pénal des affaire », C. de Valkeneer, le 12 avril 2018 : https://legalworld.wolterskluwer.be/fr/nouvelles/domaine/droit-penal/s-initier-ou-se-perfectionner-en-droit-penal-des-affaires/n

Reinforcement of our Private Tax division: Two new senior associates recently joined us
Posted on 18 September 2017Attracting and retaining talents – to better serve clients
Tetra Law is very happy to welcome Yasmina Hatioueche and Pauline Maufort as senior associates within its tax law department, and more specifically, within its Private Tax division.
Yasmina Hatioueche is specialized in asset structuring. Before joining Tetra Law, she had been active for about 20 years in the Estate Planning department of several top-notch bank institutions. Eager to deal with the subject matter in all its applications (asset structuring, estate planning, real property planning, or planning through structures), Yasmina chose to become a lawyer in a law firm specialized in this field, thereby enabling clients to benefit from the expertise she has acquired through intensive practice. Frequently called upon as a speaker – IFE – ICHEC Entreprises - Cercle du Lac – etc., and co-organizer of the EPSG group Brussels-Paris, Yasmina has already earned a good reputation. Tetra Law feels very fortunate to have drawn to it such a high profile.
Pauline Maufort has been a member of the Brussels Bar since 2013. She holds a Master’s Degree in Law from the ULB School of Law (2012) as well as a complementary Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the ULB (2013). Specialized in Private Tax Law as well as in tax procedure and criminal proceedings, Pauline Maufort regularly publishes scientific articles on various topics in relation to current tax issues. Thanks to her background, Pauline is currently a lecturer with the Chambre Belge des Comptables, Experts Comptables et Conseils Fiscaux de Bruxelles.